We went and saw the Kane County Cougar's play with some of our friends the other night. Julia had lots of fun running around & playing with her buddies.
We ALSO love going to the library with our friends. It is a great place for them to play while the moms chat. We will probably be going there a lot more when the weather gets gross!
I took Julia to get her 1st haircut! I needed a better style so I can leave it down. Of course she screamed the entire time, luckily, it only took a few minutes!
Jodi & I took the girls to the beach on Sunday. Julia didn't leave the spot below. She is SO scared of the sand. She didn't let me relax for one second...oh Julia! I think Kennedy had fun though!
So funny that Phoebe's 1st bath was at 2 1/2 months! Who wouldn't be excited about a bath after only getting a sponge bath for the past 2 1/2 months (due to the harness, not laziness!). She did great!
The final moments of the harness were captured below. I was never so happy to say good-bye to something, however, I am very grateful that this problem was fixed so easily & with no pain to her!
We took Julia to the Splash Park. I kept meaning to get over there this summer, but, it just hadn't happened yet. I'm really glad Jake was there, because, she was really scared (big surprise?) at first, but, he was able to ease her into it. She did throw a fit when we were leaving & I was glad because that meant she liked it, but, when I asked her in the car if she wanted to go back she said no...oh 2 year olds!